Uploading big files via php
I’m updating a site for a client that only has file access to his hosting account via a php file manager (extPlorer for Joomla to be precise). He needed uploaded a few flash videos (in excess of 15 Mb each) but extPlorer stated that the file limit for php was set to 8 Mb.
I already knew that .htaccess overrides were allowed since I used .htaccess to enable a seo component for the site. So adding the following lines to .htaccess (in the root folder of his site) was enough to allow large uploads using a php upload.
If it doesn’t exist you’ll need to create a text file named .htaccess in the root of the site containing the following code:
php_value upload_max_filesize 30M
php_value post_max_size 30M
php_value max_execution_time 250
php_value max_input_time 250
If you don’t see an increase of the allowed upload size it means that you are not allowed to override this settings and you’ll need to contact your hosting provider.